Holiday Gift Guide 2020


Does anyone still think it’s April like I do? While I am very grateful that we are moving swiftly through 2020 like it’s the blood-stained haunted house that it is, I am in utter disbelief that it is already time for the holidays. This season is going to look a lot different for all of us. Cancelled plans, tighter pants, and tighter wallets. I realize this year requires a different approach to the holidays. However, I could not NOT put up a gift guide. And this year I am starting my gift guides with a new addition, a small business category. You don’t need me to tell you how small businesses internationally have been crippled by this pandemic, and I wanted to highlight some suggestions from some of my favorite small businesses that ship. This is also my biggest gift guide to date with over 200 ideas. And I would like to emphasize that I am not suggesting that this is THE way to gift this year, these are just ideas for folks who would like to buy. I am not going to lie, I am going to be one of those folks who is reimagining gifting this year because ohmygodIjustboughtahousewhyiseverythingsuddenlysoexpensive!!! So when I post these gift guides, they are a mere suggestion of one way you can gift. With that, I hope you enjoy this year’s guide. This is one of the most time exhaustive thing I do every year, and it is a true labor of love!


Small Business










Has Everything


Gift Exchange




And there you have it, my 2020 Holiday Gift Guide. I finish all 224 of these ideas with strained eyes and crampy fingers. As gruesome as making these are, it is truly one of my favorite things to do on my blog. I hope you found this guide helpful, and wish you safe and happy shopping!

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