October Wallpaper of the Month


You thought this was going to be the first wallpaper in two years that I missed, didn’t you? WRONG. Two weeks late, but I make the rules around here. The purpose of these wallpapers began with appreciating each month for it’s indivuality, instead of the holidays, appointments, birthdays, and meetings that mark up our calendars. Over time, this ongoing series on my blog has served as a check in for myself mostly, but for those interested in what’s on my mind, going on in my life, etc.

October has been…abundant. After spending the entire summer upholding the world for those around me who didn’t have the strength, October has been my time. My turn to receive. I have thought a lot about why now, why this moment, and I have come to a few things.

  • I wouldn’t be able to receive the gifts of October without having had eliminated behaviors, habits, thinking, even relationships that were no longer serving my growth.

  • By doing that housekeeping in my life, I was able to realize that my standards for every area of my life needed to step it’s shit up, and it was my job to be the law enforcement, and not protect the things I loved from the standards that I damn well deserved.

  • If I was going to expect everything in my life to step it’s shit up, so would I. Investing in my friendships, and relationships with my family has shown me that I have a purpose in this life beyond my work, my boyfriend, my animals, etc. I am here to sit in the shit with those in the valleys of life, and celebrate those at the peaks. This entire time, it’s been about connection across all spectrums. I have neglected that for the last 10 years.

If that life-spill isn’t what you are here for, that’s okay. Long story long, I chose this wallpaper because I feel like fall is celebrated by the tones of yellow and red that paint the trees, but never the depths of emerald. Cheers to that understated green that has depth and complexity in it’s own right. And that’s that. I’ll see you back here next time!

Angie StefanecComment