July Wallpaper of the Month


It’s no surprise that July in America is marked by the 4th, Independence Day. A summer house party holiday typically spent drunk and paralyzed from eating too many hot dogs. There is nothing in this country worth celebrating right now. America is the international laughing stock for our nonresponse to COVID-19, black and brown Americans continue to be murdered by police, and kids are still in cages at the border…just to name a few things. I have been floundering to find a wallpaper during one of the most morally reprehensible moments in American history.

I was thinking about this snow globe of shit we are in, and there is ONE thing that doesn’t suck about this July…Pie.

Pie. Beautiful fucking pie. I will bake and eat many of you to get through this time. I hope you do the same.

I beg that next month’s wallpaper finds us better than where we are now, and I hope you are taking care of yourself and others during this time. See you back here again soon.

Angie StefanecComment