September Wallpaper of the Month


At long last, summer is over. Not only has this summer been unseasonably warm, but it has been pretty tragic. I am normally a pretty positive thinker, but between Garrett leaving, the burst of mass shootings, the prospect of another recession, and the Amazon forest being ON FUCKING FIRE, I am ready for the eject button, or at least another glass of wine.

Kids, parents, and adults alike often see September as a settling-in period. A new school year, new routines, new opportunities to settle into our seats after a very active summer. Buckling down into “ordinary time.” Whether you like squeezing the last drops of summer, or pumpkin-spicing up your life early, I think most of us can agree that summer shows it’s last smiles in September. Thus, inspiring my selection for this month’s wallpaper. I call it, “The Sun Sets on Summer.” The idea that we thank, and warmly escort our beloved Summer out, and generously welcome in our new guest, Fall. Cheers!

Angie StefanecComment