March Wallpaper of the Month


HOW. DID. WE. GET. HERE? January felt like it’s own year, Februrary flew by, and now we have landed in March. The true limbo point between winter and spring. A lot of us get cabin fever about now with prolonged winter weather come March, but there is something really enchanting about this time. Our bodies still resting, craving food more nourishing, I see March as the last savory bits of this dormant time before we reawaken anew. The cold flirting every so often with warmer pleasures. That is the inspiration of this month’s wallpaper selection. A celebration of the back and forth, not the condemnation of volatility. The descent of the foggy density in the sky onto the eagerly awaiting earth. I think we all could be more attune to the dance of this season, and I hope this wallpaper helps you do so.

Thanks again for spending some of your time here on the blog, and I will see you next week with another post!

Angie StefanecComment